All posts tagged “Dancing

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Know What You Like

Many dancers spend their careers feeling stuck in a rut. Though they have a ‘career doing what they love,’ they are actually rarely able to dance what they want to dance. While some dancers are acutely aware of this fact, and are able to act on it, others live with a constant, dull ache that arises from a mysterious unhappiness. For these unaware dancers, it is all too easy to remain in a company or school because it is the logical thing to do, even though it is hurting them.

If you are unsure whether you are truly happy with where you are and what you are doing, test yourself. Imagine someone asking ‘how are you?’ and before you can think about a proper response, speak. Say out loud what you feel deep down, and if the answer surprises you, it is time to get to know yourself and where you really want to be and what you really want to be doing.

If that seems silly, watch this video, and imagine what it would be like to react instantly and truthfully to every situation.


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Ready for auditions?

As we move into the Fall season, many dancers are buckling down and training hard in order to be ready for audition season in the Spring. Many of these dancers spend their time training hard, and yet still fail miserably in auditions. If only they had known that they were not fully prepared!

The fact is, these dancers are unprepared because they treat auditions like any other class. However, an audition is not like a regular class. It is a brief opportunity to show everything that you can do. The auditioners do not want to see you doing ballet. They are tired of watching ballet. Once you have shown that you can do plies and tendus, the judges know that you have a solid grasp on ballet technique. Now the real audition begins, and it is up to you to shape it in a way that shows you off. If you can sing, launch into your favorite medley. If you can act, you had better be able to whip out a brilliant monologue. If you can paint, your dance bag should contain canvasses and a wide array of colors and brushes. If you can meditate, sit down in the middle of the studio and do so. Everyone will be talking about you, and no one will forget you. And that is just what you wanted all along.

Once you have your talent down, and you want to know that you are physically ready for an audition, watch the following clip. When you can do everything shown, and more, you are ready. Until then, there will always be someone who is better than you. That is unacceptable, and should make you feel bad about yourself. And what better way to feel motivated!