All posts tagged “Ballet

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Practice Dance Safety

Dance safety often involves attention to myriad minute and difficult details. This is not one of those. In dance, like in geometric proofs, there is given information that we must accept as true in order to be successful. Please treat this dance safety advice as a given:

You need to avoid falling off of the stage

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Five Movies Every Aspiring Dancer Should Watch

Young-and not so young-dancers often wonder what and who they can watch to learn from. Sports players can watch videos of games both excellent and poor, and learn lessons from both. Since dance is an art, however, the differences in videos are often artistic rather than technical. Differences in interpretation cannot be ranked, and every individual will have a different opinion of every dance and dancer. This means that there really is no overarching list of videos every dancer should watch. Except for the one I have compiled on this site.

Here is the first installment in the list of videos every aspiring dancer should watch:

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Peaceful Warrior

The Matrix



Please comment and let myself and others know what you learned from each video.

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Probable Quote of the Day

Inspirational quotes from Mr B, as at least six people insist on calling him, abound. However, we are often left in the dark as to what a smooth operator Balanchine was outside of the studio. I want to change that, starting with todays probable quote:

Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?

-George Balanchine, to Maria Tallchief

Another shot of Heffner at the Mansion.

Balanchine with potential NYCB Miss Novembers

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Probable Quote of the Day

While extremely dramatic on stage, Baryshnikov was also emotionally driven offstage, and several quotes show that he was not afraid to express his powerful feelings. For instance, he probably said this:

I really, really hate you.

-Mikhail Baryshnikov, to dance belt

Fuckin dancebelts man

Fuckin’ dancebelts man

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It is a common misconception that warming up before stretching is essential.

The reasoning for this is often that stretching can produce a dramatic change in the body, and it is best for the body to be as prepared as possible to receive this change. Hogwash. Think about the most dramatic change the body can undergo: surgery. Before surgery, does the doctor guide us through calisthenics? Is cardio performed before an operation? Of course not. For surgery, the most drastic change a body can experience, anesthesia is administered.

Anesthesia is used because for surgery to be successful, it is imperative that we are unaware of what is happening. The surgeon may be cutting away skin and splitting apart bone, but in the end we are put back together in better health than when we started out.

If we want similar success when stretching, we must be similarly unaware of what is happening. Anesthesia, therefore, is the goal for any serious stretcher, and the best way to anesthetize a muscle is to make it extraordinarily cold.

It is a well known fact that Sir Edmund Hillary perfected his splits on the summit of Everest

It is a well known fact that Sir Edmund Hillary perfected his splits on the summit of Everest

If geographically possible, try stretching outside in the snow. Investigate the possibility of using dry ice when stretching. Above all, experiment. Leave comments with your success stories below.