These are dancebelts.
They suck.
These are dancebelts.
They suck.
Inspirational quotes from Mr B, as at least six people insist on calling him, abound. However, we are often left in the dark as to what a smooth operator Balanchine was outside of the studio. I want to change that, starting with todays probable quote:
Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
-George Balanchine, to Maria Tallchief
It is a common misconception that warming up before stretching is essential.
The reasoning for this is often that stretching can produce a dramatic change in the body, and it is best for the body to be as prepared as possible to receive this change. Hogwash. Think about the most dramatic change the body can undergo: surgery. Before surgery, does the doctor guide us through calisthenics? Is cardio performed before an operation? Of course not. For surgery, the most drastic change a body can experience, anesthesia is administered.
Anesthesia is used because for surgery to be successful, it is imperative that we are unaware of what is happening. The surgeon may be cutting away skin and splitting apart bone, but in the end we are put back together in better health than when we started out.
If we want similar success when stretching, we must be similarly unaware of what is happening. Anesthesia, therefore, is the goal for any serious stretcher, and the best way to anesthetize a muscle is to make it extraordinarily cold.
If geographically possible, try stretching outside in the snow. Investigate the possibility of using dry ice when stretching. Above all, experiment. Leave comments with your success stories below.
The author makes no claim of expertise, and indeed lacks basic medical knowledge.
Any responsibility for following prescribed stretches is that of the reader.
All posts are made for entertainment purposes only.
For actual advice about stretching, please visit the Ballet Blog and learn from Lisa Howell.
For many, Vaganova means ballet. In actual fact, a ‘vaganova’ is a type of semi-sweet bun-like pastry treat that is no longer made with any regularity. Comparatively, the regularity with which people refer to Vaganova’s Basic Principles of Classical Ballet is astounding.
Here is one of Vaganova’s less conspicuous quotes:
Ballet is next to Godliness, because ballet is about technique and technique is about cleanliness and cleanliness is next to Godliness.
-Agrippina Vaganova
Hello there! Welcome to Alex Davison’s Advice for People who Dance. If you are seeking advice from Alex Davison about dancing, geared toward people who dance, congratulations you’ve found it! I work hard to bring you the very best in dance advice from a currently non-dancer who works in the service industry. Because who doesn’t need that.
Please know: As a blogger, I am highly opinionated. I make no claim to present a balanced view of any subject, and, in fact, I find creating posts much easier without any research, fact-checking, or deep-thinking of any kind. (Since you are reading a blog, I know you relate! Ha! Just kidding).
I love dance and I enjoy writing. With this blog I am combining both. (Crazy talk!). I also believe a sense of humor is essential, and that we should never take anything too seriously. (Especially dance forms that are centuries old and called ballet).
Enjoy this blog! It is a labor of love and I am glad to share it with you. I sincerely enjoy all comments, so go ahead and share your thoughts, and if they do not show up you’ll know exactly how much I like you!
Your friend,